A simple question to ask!
Let a question be asked,
A Very simple one –
Who gave the Amhara elites
The divine rights to rule people of other ethnics?
Given historic circumstances
People can be subjugated to injustices by force,
But who says uncalled for force
Constitutes legality and justice?
Why do people have to submit,
Against their wishes’ permit,
To Amhara language and habits –
Let alone that which is plagiarised,
And un inherited
Usurped the very people the despise?
Even if it were autochthonous
One of their own burnoose,
Is there any moira or mores
That abides the rest to be coerced?
Unless God himself is an Amhara,
At that an Indra exacting vajra,
If victims fail to cantillate
An Amhara mantra!
What is wrong
If people wrest strong
From unleashed bulldog,
Righting wrong
To reclaim where they belong.
What is this invaginate one nation
A use of One flag pendant illusion
When Victims are repressed to submission
Treated as cattle
Scuttled around
Proded and pounded
Their flesh Rizzared
To ensure the substance
Of the Amhara wizard.
A wizard indeed
Astroturfing rabble-rouser
Blaming victims
For the crimes
It orchestrated to rhythm.
Belay Ambelay
A crime committed against Oromos but sold in the internet as Amhara brutally murdered by Oromos.
However, the reality is differently stark as the crime committed is geolocated!
‘’The killings happened after hours long gun battle on June 14/15 between Gambella Regional Security Forces and militants from the Oromo Liberation Army(OLA) and rebel groups from the Gambella Liberation Front (GLF). After the OLA and GLF militants withdrew from the city, Gambella regional security force members searched houses and targeted civilians whom they accused of harbouring weapons and fighters. Location : 8’14’40 N, 34’35’26 E. vicinity – Near Genina Hotel/Bar – Near the Bridge and Recreation Park. Identity of victims later identified as – ‘Highlanders ‘ (Ethnic Oromo’s’ ???’’
‘’The killings happened after hours long gun battle on June 14/15 between Gambella Regional Security Forces and militants from the Oromo Liberation Army(OLA) and rebel groups from the Gambella Liberation Front (GLF). After the OLA and GLF militants withdrew from the city, Gambella regional security force members searched houses and targeted civilians whom they accused of harbouring weapons and fighters. Location : 8’14’40 N, 34’35’26 E. vicinity – Near Genina Hotel/Bar – Near the Bridge and Recreation Park. Identity of victims later identified as – ‘Highlanders ‘ (Ethnic Oromo’s’ ???)’’
Response by a viewer to realities on the land.