Tigrayan Advocacy & Development Association UK (TADAUK.ORG), 07 April 2024 Submissions to 4th Cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Ethiopia: 2020-Present

Date 07/04/2024 Index: TADAUK 01/004/2024 Tigrayan Advocacy & Development Association UK (TADAUK.ORG), 07 April 2024 Submissions to 4th Cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Ethiopia: 2020-Present Introduction: TADA UK is […]

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ናዓሞ፣ ንዒሞ!

ናዓሞ፣ ንዒሞ! ተሰዋዒ ተሰዋዕት ከማዓልኪ ከመዓልካ ከመይ ሓደርኪ፣ ሓደርካ ቆሩኪዶ ቆሪሩካ ዝሓዱሽ ገዛኻ ድማሊ ዝዓተኪ ዝዓተኻ። ራሕሪኪ/ካዮ ኸይድኪ/ካ ገዛ እንዳቦ ገዛኪ/ካ። ጥዑም ዝለመድኪ/ካ ከመይ ይገብረኪ/ካ ዕኽለ ማይ ሕዚ እንትሓርመኪ/ካ። ስውዕ […]

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ጀኔራል ምግበይ ኃይለ

ምግበይ ምግበይ ምግበይ እባይ ትግራይ ዘይሕለል ተጋዳላይ። ሰብዶ ኽብሎ ኸምዝኸማይ፣ ሓላፋይ፣ ወይስ ኮኾብ ሰማይ ዘይደክም ተወንጫፋይ ስቃይ ዘይብግሮ ኹሕሎ ማይ እንትማጎት ምድራዊ መለኮት ዘይኣርግ ዘይንኩትኮት። ድሕሪ 50 ዓመት ከርተት ምስ […]

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ጥያቄ ? እህቶቻቸን እየታደኑ ጓደኞኛችን እየታፈኑ ቀማኞች በየቦታው ሰው በፍርሃት ሲያባንኑ በሺዎች ብር ሲጠይቁ ከተሳካ ሲቀበሉ  ካልተከፈለ ሲገደሉ ይህን እያዩ ወንዶች ወዴት ገቡ የት ኣሉ? ሴት ልጆች ሲሰቃዩ ሲገደሉ በየቦታው […]

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ፅንዓት ነዊሕ ጉዕዞ: Long Lane!

ፅንዓት ነዊሕ ጉዕዞ: Long Lane! እንተበላዕኹ ይሓንቐኒ እንተሰተይኩ የምልሰኒ እንተምባሃቑ ይስርንቐኒ ተስትንፈስኩ ዓቕለይ ይፀበኒ። እንተነበርኩ የጉህየኒ እንተሳሓቑ ይሕርሕረኒ እንተበኸይኩ ይፎኽሰኒ እንተሞትኩ ኣእንታይ ኸውሕጠኒ ኣይፈልጥን ሥጋኻ ዓርከኒ። እንታይ እዩ ዝሕማቅ ጂኒ […]

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Genocide in Tigray: Serious breaches of international law in the Tigray conflict, Ethiopia, and paths to accountability

Genocide in Tigray: Serious breaches of international law in the Tigray conflict, Ethiopia, and paths to accountability Executive Summary There are multiple, widespread and credible independent reports that the conduct […]

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