Why do they keep doing it?
Once the decayed monarch came to collapse following its derelict impacts that was consciously allowed to consume oppressed nations began biting the ruling nation, instead of calling and forming democratic governments that included all stake holders. Ethiopia came under a military junta holding power. It replaced the monarch but remained firm to continue the statusquo ante by different means. They advocated that only an elite of one national group is entitled and destined to rule.
It felt it could change the rhetoric, deny Amharas as people are nothing but all inclusive Ethiopians one for all, all for one, who carry the spirit of the country above everyone else, hence the rule could not and ought not questioned. Listen to the video clip by Colonel Mengestu the extent he went to justify the rule of one nation at the expense of others, instead of redressing the injustice oppression and misrule.
To that end, instead of restoring stability and peace they carried out military campaigns on end from corner to corner to suppress anyone who questioned and resisted their oppressive rule by extension of the past and turned the country to stone basin awash with blood.
Had they recognised the mephitic phagedenic ichore of the imperial monarchy had consumed and damaged oppressed people and called upon for reconciliation to address their age old grievances, there may have had not the emergence and spread of insurrections. Eritrea the land with two ports they had theirs glaring on may have also remained with the rest had an atmosphere of trust, justice and isopolity was stated.
But one could not train a hyena to turn grass eater, no matter how hard the training extends.
There is no ground for justification of an Amhara elite oppression as no worse than the oppression of another national elite that came before it, if at all there was such a precedent, which I don’t think happened as claimed by the good Colonel and indeed others. National oppresssion is oppression be it perpetuated in the past or present and ought to be condemned rather than glossing over and running for excuses to defend it as Colonel Mengestu agonised to do.
Does it matter whether or not that the Amharas are one ethnic trait or a hodgepodge mixture of all others, as long as elites in its name were and still are oppressing others. Whilst at the same time those at the receiving end felt the heat and declared they had enough i and wanted to get rid of it?
That was in the past and now after 30 years of federal arrangements that did not even comprehensively redressed the imperial oppressions and subjugations people had to insure, they lay I wait and reared their heads to role back the wheels of history to take the people to the dark age to deny the achievements and self respect people fought for and gained. They still want to hold on the people and turn them their subjects. They are fighting tooth and nail to be “free and unrestrained” to rule and control the people they hate most but cannot live with their slave labour. They also want the land of others they call theirs by misappropriation.
They sling and tote stirring troubles and conflicts everywhere; they have no legitimate causes to stand on their feet, but only trouble. Their clarion call is hate and disrespect of people who aspires to declutch and set themselves free.
If it didn’t work 30 years back, it won’t work now, except it would harden the will and determination of the people who wish to be free turned proliferating from one, not two but many in numbers.
Every time they try hard to smoulder and burke others, the harder it gets and turn futile. They incessantly operate to split and buy off members of oppressed people, put oppressed nations at loggerheads against one another but in the end to no avail.
But why then do they do it over and over again? Well, power and privilege are delicatessens they want to enjoy and relish. That is not bad at all! But the question is at whose expenses if they do not deserve it?
A vulture feeding on a carrion saw a buffalo coming towards it. “why is brainless beast coming on towards me, it is not a carnivore and wouldn’t mind me doing my instinct untoward” it thought.
But what it thought it wouldn’t happened happened. The buffalo picked it up impaled on its horn. “Why oh why said the vulture?”
“Because you are devouring my calf, I had lost at birth.” Said the buffalo!
Even a peaceful beast, that is the buffalo, turned wild in rage as it witnessed not only the death of its calf in grief but not long ago being devoured by insense vulture. And so will the people in a country turned a prison cell will turn rebellious one following another until the prison guard is dead.
The imperial and colonial powers of the past and present had left behind some sort of trickledown developmental relics, be it infrastructure, buildings, roads, education, culture, languages subjects couldn’t help but use, to show off their legacies of their rules, be it oppressive. The Amhara elites have left nothing to boast off. Let alone for the oppressed, the Amhara rulers did not know and built extensive burial places for themselves that could attract tourists to visit. The so called Fasildas building in Gonder was built by the Portuguese and have the audacity to pretend otherwise. Failing to do marvels is one thing but to bumfuzzle their own people that they were inept do nothing idlest they spread rumours that Lalibela rock hewed churches were miraculously built by Engels at nights.
An old dog never learn a new trick.
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Belay Ambelay