In a Widespread War of All against All, Can Ethiopia Survive the Storm?


Ethiopia is currently engulfed in a war of all against all. It now faces an existential threat to its survival as a “nation of nations.” Most regions in Ethiopia are facing widespread war where at times it is not even known who is fighting against whom, creating complete anarchy. The government has deployed all kinds of federal and regional formal security actors, secretive security actors like Koree Nageenyaa1
, and is suspected to be behind gangster groups in the Amhara region that prey on the people. The rebellion in most regions is scattered, with no proper organization and discipline, with groups sometimes cooperating and at other times fighting against each other. This kind of war is a manifestation of the political decay in the country, which is resulting in complete ungovernability. It now appears that the tide of decay, ungovernability, lawlessness and
chronic conflict have created an existential threat to the country.

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