ይስመዔካዶ ኸምዝኸማይ
ይረአየካዶ ዓውዲ ጦር ምስለይ
ዓዕፅምተ ተሓምሺሹ
ሥጋይ ተቦጊሉ
ደም ክፈስስ ኸም ማይ
ይስመዔካዶ ኸምዝኸማይ:
ገፀይ ተደምሲሱ
ኸብደይ ተሓሪሱ
ጣልያን ከይኣክል
እዚዖም ዝባአሱ
ኣክንዲ ዝኽሕሱ
ንሶም ተመለሱ
እታዘላትኒወሪሮም ንኸብርሱ
ዓድዋ ራህዋ
እዙይ ይቀድዋ::
The world is warped with abulia, unable to see and listen to those who are mistreated and abused; disinclined to stand up for justice and reason until it is too late for action.
Armed to the teeth, deploying foreign enemy powers they mendaciously poured out declaring to enforce “law and order” only to indiscriminately commit gang rape of young girls and old women, loot and destroy hard earned property and assets, execute innocents in the streets. And the world watched in silence as there are no world leaders’ worth of the name to protest.
They denied Tigrayans drinking water, medicine, electric power, fuel and food for a year as they besieged and bombed Tigray and the world watched in silence as the world has no conscience to object to the genocide taking place.
Now, they came out yet again with an expiation under the insignia of Menelik as if Tigray did not know Menelik was a hired varlet of colonial powers wishing to enslave the Africans north to south, west to east coasts.
Apart from being a slave master engaged in international slave trade, ironically born from a slave mother, one compelled to offering femoral service to a war leader, c’est-a-dire his father, Haile Melokot, Menelikworked hand and glove to turn part of Africa as a colonial empire, gaining a bit from his involvement.
The Aksumites’ economy was largely based on international trade as evidenced by the Greek inscriptions on some of the gold and silver coins. But since the decline of the empire, commerce substantially declined and the people largely depended on subsistence farming. Land was inherited and could not be bought and sold. This was not a good news for the Amhara aristocrats whose life styles were/are anchored on pledge and piracy. A newly married Amhara women, who knew little about her husband till then, would hand over her dress for him to wear if he did not come with spoils after the farming season was over.
Once his plot to assassinate Emporor Yohannes from behind a friendly line succeeded, and he throned himself as an Emperor. He knew the Tigrayans would be a tough nut to crack to keep them under his subjugation for an indefinite time, even their emperor was dead and his head displayed in the streets of Khartoum removing Emperor Yohannes from the throne by Menelik had to face two major problems regarding the Aksumites.
The land of Tigray could not be taken away from the Tigrayans for the Amharas to use, let alone force the Tigrayans to till the land and handed over its produce. So all the trouble taken to bring Tigrayansunder control for no or little use of the land they own was considered a headache with no prospect to benefit for the sit-and-do-nothing Amharas, who relied on serfs and slaves to do the job for them to maintain their comfortable living.
Hence, the need to sell off part of Tigray to Italy, to weaken the resolve of Tigrayans to remain sovereign and free. The second part to gain financial and military assets from the sale so as to control and subjugate the Oromos and southern people to relinquish their rights to the land and serve as slaves and helots to the Amhara nobility (which he succeeded in doing as reported in the New York Times of 1895).
There are two aspects we learn from this: that is there was only one Emperor in this world who was involved in working his domain and people for European imperialists. Sadly, it is also a fact of all the colonised people of Eritrea are the most subservient and loyal subjects to foreign colonisers. Not a single day did they rise up in arms to fight their coloniser? In fact, they served as foot soldiers for their colonial master as “Gruppo Bande Guillet” of an Italian officer called AmedeoGuillet against the allies in 1940.
Amedeo Guillet could boast of having never been betrayed, despite the fact that 5,000 Eritreans knew perfectly well who he was and where he lived. It was during this time later in early 1942 for security reasons he changed his name to Ahmed Abdallah Al Redai, studied the Koran and looked like an authentic Arab. So, when the British soldiers came to capture him, he fooled them with his new identity and escaped on two occasion. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amedeo_Guillet
So much were sycophants were the Eritreans to their slave masters, that they were not even allowed to walk in the streets ኮምቢሽታቶ the Italians walked on, that the still remained and proud of continue practicing the Italian culture of Callander and time keeping.
At the other end, It was not from Eritrea but from Let Mariefia ሊጥ ማረፍያ in Shewa close to Menelik’s palace that the Italians were operating to control their colonial expansion in Africa. From 1876 onwards the Italians had a spy centre/base in Shewa with the consent of Menelik. “Antonio Cecchi met with Negus Menelik at Liche, and obtained his permission to found a geographical station at Let Marefia. Antinori died in Shewa.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orazio_Antinori
At the battle of Adwa, Italy had to lose to win, thanks to Menelik. Let alone to drive them out from Eritrea once for all, Menelik did the unthinkable, not human beings but the surrounding Flora couldn’t forgive. In his convoluted Amhara mind set, exacerbated by the mental delirium he suffered from syphilis let stage (that did not permit him to ride a mule but donkey to lower the height he had mount), he gave the Italians more land close to Mereb and further north, as a good will in return for the services the Italians did to help subjugate Tigrayans and Oromos
Yared Huluf